An Open Letter to the New South Wales Premier, the Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP

The NSW Land and Environment Court has repeatedly judged mixing short-term tourist/visitor rentals with Permanent Residents as “fundamentally incompatible” and that an agreement granted to persons who are residing in a group situation for periods of a week or less for the purposes of a holiday or bucks and hens nights, parties or for the use of escorts or strippers is not consistent with a use or occupation by a family or household group in the ordinary way of life, and therefore, not consistent with the use of a property as that of a “dwelling house”. Inherent within the term “domicile” is, as a long line of authority in this jurisdiction has established, the notion of a permanent home or, at the very least, a significant degree of permanence of habitation or occupation.
Our Land and Environment Court also judges that the harm caused to the environment is not limited to the undermining of the planning regime. The adverse impact on the amenity and wellbeing of Residents is, as the evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates, “severe”. And Council inaction on this issue is judged as a clear failure to fulfil core functions and the obligation owed to constituents.
In 2012, Minister Anthony Roberts identified serious issues with short-term rentals in his Report: Making NSW No. 1 Again – Shaping Future Communities. September 2015 saw the announcement of a Parliamentary Inquiry into The Adequacy of the regulation of short-term holiday letting in New South Wales. This Inquiry failed on almost all counts to examine our current ‘world’s best’ legislation. July 2017 saw Ministers Anthony Roberts and Matthew Kean release their so-called “Options Paper: Short-term Holiday Letting in NSW”.
The short-term tourist/visitor letting of a residential property is a Planning and Zoning issue. As a general rule, Land Use legislation is governed by the State, implemented and enforced by Local Government authorities. It is incumbent on legislators that the power afforded them under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 is adequate and that their power and responsibility to enforce legislation is exercised.
Minister for Local Government Gabrielle Upton has written that she will not deal with the issue of short-term holiday letting, referring us and others to Minister Anthony Roberts. Silent in all correspondence to date is the Minister responsible: Minister for Planning and Housing, Anthony Roberts.
Premier Berejiklian, you have not mentioned Minister Roberts; instead you continue to refer us to the Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation Matthew Kean, who will not deal with this issue. He refers us to the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission (ACCC). Surely it is Minister Kean who should take the issue directly to the ACCC. Minister Kean and Staff have also now dismissed an assurance given to the NSW Parliament that the Office of Fair Trading would examine any improper or questionable actions undertaken by a real estate agent, including actions that would be in breach of consumer protection provisions under the Property, Stock and Business Agents Act plus the NSW Strata Management and NSW Residential Tenancies Acts. Gone now as well is a commitment to applying penalties for breaching our legislation including a range of disciplinary actions from a reprimand to cancellation of a licence and disqualification from involvement in a real estate business.
Only last week Minister Kean wrote: "There is currently no centralised register of STHL properties in NSW. Therefore, we are unable to provide you with an accurate number of properties in NSW that are currently used for STHL purposes. As you know, a report by BIS Shrapnel, which is referred to in the NSW Parliament's 2016 report 'Adequacy of the regulation of short-term holiday letting in New South Wales', estimated that there were 215,964 holiday rental premises in NSW/ACT in 2014."
Your Ministers and Airbnb continue to insist that using residential housing for the purposes of tourism sees a financial windfall for our State. Yet, when one applies the formula and independent data from San Francisco’s Financial Controllers, using the 2014 estimate of properties lost in NSW, this gutting of our housing stock is costing NSW Residents $64.78 billion per year, each and every year. Whose data is accurate?
In mid-December 2017 a representative of NSW Fair Trading, reportedly at the behest of Minister Kean, contacted Neighbours Not Strangers and asked if we would provide "examples of collusion between agents and short-term rental platforms". You are in receipt of our list. And having displayed to you DESTINATION NSW’s full-scale involvement in the rental of thousands of residential dwellings for holiday purposes, suddenly the criterion changes and culminates with: “does not create a nuisance or hazard to other property owner (sic) or occupiers”. Premier Berejiklian, you and your Ministers ignore our example of Land and Environment Court Orders proving our point.
DESTINATION NSW, an official branch of the NSW Government, appears to be the largest facilitator of illegal short-term rentals in our State. Minister Kean’s spokesperson suggests that we raise this matter directly with Ms Sandra Chipchase, CEO, DESTINATION NSW and says that “this would appear to be the most appropriate course of action”. We have been denied all access to Ministers of the NSW Government. Would not ‘the most appropriate course of action’ be for you or your Ministers to raise the matter with the Minister for Tourism and Major Events?
At least 75 listings on the VISITNSW and VISITSYDNEY platforms are direct portals to Expedia(Stayz) and Airbnb’s websites. Following too is a further sample of other portals found on the State Government’s platforms.
We then go on to list still more Agents that openly advertise residential dwellings as short-term holiday rentals. There seems little point continuing our research, as no one within your Government has acknowledged this data.
The past week sees another news report: “Massive commercial operators continue to run illegal Airbnb hotels in Vancouver despite City of Vancouver’s “crack down””. The commercial operator in question has 15 listings. The NSW response to this type of scenario could not be more different.
We volunteer an extract from a presentation from a Residents’ Action Group to their NSW Local Council:
“...we ask that you take the human factor into account before making any final decisions. I make no apologies for the fact this is an impassioned plea and we ask that you take into account the financial, personal and health costs to ordinary residents who have purchased their homes in R2 zones, trusting that the information provided to them from Clarence Valley Council via due diligence, is true and correct.
Many, if not all these people, have worked hard for 40, 50 or 60 years, to save towards retirement. They chose homes in areas where it appears there are good community values, neighbourhoods that were not affected by commercial holiday lettings. Neighbourhoods that would provide healthy lifestyle, many of which included an enjoyable retirement lifestyle with good neighbours.
The proliferation of prohibited holiday houses (serviced accommodation) and the inaction by Council has pretty much killed those life long dreams for many residents. People who purchased in good faith, carried out their due diligence and trusted in Council to properly enforce regulations, if need be. Instead of neighbours, many people face a never-ending line of strangers moving in next door, or opposite, for short periods and not caring for the neighbours or immediate neighbourhood. Noise and other anti-social behaviours that are well documented have become the norm causing constant serious loss of amenity. Amenity entrusted to these people by Council and the relevant planning instruments.
If you choose to read no further, then we ask that you take to heart the serious impact this issue is having on the lives of good and decent people, seeking nothing more than to live and enjoy a lifestyle for which they have often used their life savings to try and attain.”
This matter came before Clarence Valley Council last Tuesday evening. The response from Councillors to the Residents’ plea is described to us as “denigrating into a farce”. Councillors were asked what had happened to the “dozens and dozens of complaints” which somehow have not been recorded by Council. And subsequent to the meeting, Residents write that they are “furious” and “disgusted” with their Representatives.
A member of our community asked the Holiday Rental Industry of Australia (HRIA) to provide a list of the legislation their members comply with by way of support for the position taken by their commercial landlords/operators. Here is the written response received from Natalie Drake-Brockman, Secretary of HRIA. Note: absent is compliance with any legislation. Also, our Land and Environment Court acknowledges that a Code of Conduct is unworkable. HIRA’s landlords may think that they operate under a Code of Conduct. Their clients most certainly do not:
“Our members are owners, owner managers and contract managers (who manage under a contract arrangement with owners). Guests occupy self contained, un serviced, residential style short term accommodation under a licence to occupy. All members operate under the Code Of Conduct.”
It would be fair to say that we have not had a positive response from a single Legislator to our position on this issue, save for two Councillors at Local Government Level. Indeed, the reception and pushback at times has been very aggressive. This is despite the fact that NSW has a crisis in homelessness and housing affordability, and all the while Airbnb staff are free to boast: “Australia is the most penetrated (Airbnb) market in the world”.
The proliferation of illegal short-term tourist/visitor rentals is a critical issue for residents and for legitimate tourism accommodation providers. Anything short of the immediate enforcement of our Federal, State and Local Government legislation plus the introduction and implementation of a regulatory licensing system covering all tourist and visitor accommodation is unacceptable.
You are aware of NSW Parliamentarians profiting from the short-term rental of residential dwellings, contrary to all manner of legislation and without disclosing ownership of the property and/or income to the Parliament. Their properties are listed on NSW Land and Environment Court Orders with Penal Notice. We are aware too of Paul Miller, General Counsel, Premier and Cabinet's letter of 07 July 2015 recommending that Members of your Government be referred to the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) over these issues. If Agents who facilitate this activity are not responsible, then your Parliamentary Colleagues should have seen Court Orders, fines plus Penal Notices issued against them personally.
We wrote and asked former Premier Mike Baird how NSW Residents might have faith in the parliamentary process when this issue came before the NSW Parliament. Mr Baird did not respond. The same question must now be put to you Premier Berejiklian and the Ministers and Members of your Government.
Trish Burt Convener Neighbours Not Strangers Email:
26 March 2018
SMALL SAMPLE: Portals to homes advertised as short-term holiday rentals
Following is a very small sample of portals found on the VISITNSW platform:
VISITNSW “Blue Gums Cottage” is a portal to FlipKey, a subsidiary to TripAdvisor (2015 Revenue USD1.492 billion)
VISITNSW “Tannin Apartment is a portal to 17,790 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Victory Court” is a portal for 560 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Kooringal” is a portal for 560 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Villa Mer” is a portal to 386 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Calming Waters” is a portal to 375 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Surf Mist” is a portal for 374 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Carindale” is a portal to 326 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Alcheringa” is a portal to 242 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Northward” is a portal to 235 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Silvers 3” is a portal to 160 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Apartment One surfside” is a portal to 136 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “James Cook Apartments 11” is a portal to 130 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Villa Pinot” is a portal to 111 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Flinders Lodge Unit Five” is a portal for 78 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Pipis on the Beach” is a portal to 77 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Pomaranza” is a portal for 72 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Heart of Orange” is a portal to 71 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Koranba Two” is a portal to 70 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Cypress Drive Apartment” is a portal for 64 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Colzi’s Place” is a portal for 64 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Adams Peak Retreat” is a portal for 60 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Maranda Country House” is a portal to 56 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Sweet Gum Bend” is a portal to 53 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Aqua Leaf Apartment” is a portal for 51 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Blues Air 4” is a portal to 38 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Denham Cottage” is a portal for 31 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Waterside Retreat” is a portal to 29 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Bay Beachfront“ is a portal for 29 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Living in Luxury” is a portal to 27 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “The Unit East Albury” is a portal for 22 short-term rental properties
VISITNSW “Saltwater Apartments Eden” is a portal to 20 short-term rental properties
At no time during the NSW Parliament’s review process into
short-term holiday rentals do we believe
that a disclosure was made a propos the
State Government's connections with
the Short-Term Rental Industry.
NSW has “world’s best” legislation and case law covering
the “Illegal Use” of residential housing.
Our legislation is clear. It must be enforced.

SAMPLE: NSW Agents advertising homes as short-term holiday rentals
Advertising 40,000+ NSW homes as short-term holiday properties
EXPEDIA(Stayz) –
Advertising 17,790 NSW homes as short-term holiday properties
AURA Holdings Pty Limited -
Advertising 4,423 homes as short-term holiday properties – Linking with Expedia, Airbnb, TripAdviros, FlipKey (Snowy Rivers) -
Advertising 1,413 homes as short-term holiday properties - Linking with Expedia (Kiama Shire) -
Advertising 1,071 homes as short-term holiday properties - Linking with Expedia (Tweed Shire) -
Advertising 1,017 homes as short-term holiday properties - Linking with Expedia (Blue Mountains Shire) -
Advertising 813 homes as short-term holiday properties - Linking with Expedia (Batemans Bay/Eurobodella Shire) -
Advertising 676 homes as short-term holiday properties - Linking with Expedia
Callala First National Real Estate -
Callala First National immediately volunteered and recommended Robyn Powell of Holiday Rental Specialists
Advertising 387 homes as short-term holiday properties - Linking with Expedia and/or Airbnb (Kiama) -
Advertising 386 homes as short-term holiday properties - Linking with Expedia (Forster/Tuncurry LGA) -
Advertising 346 homes as short-term holiday properties - Linking with Expedia
LJ Hooker Terrigal – operating holiday rentals as
Advertising 300+ homes as short-term holiday properties - Linking with Expedia
Port Stephens Holiday Rentals -
Advertising 220 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz and
Property Providers – -
Advertising 194 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
L’Abode Accommodation – -
Advertising 190 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
PRDNationwide PORT STEPHENS, operating as
Advertising 171 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Furnished Properties –
Advertising 170 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Made Comfy – -
Advertising 162 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
First National -
Advertising 128 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
South Coast Holidays -
Advertising 122 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
The Apartment Service – -
Advertising 122 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Unique Estates - -
Advertising 122 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Luxico Holiday Homes - -
Advertising 115 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Tea Gardens Real Estate -
Advertising 112 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Snowy Mountains Raine and Horne -
Advertising 111 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Visit the Entrance -
Advertising 110 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
LJ Hooker Kingscliff -
Advertising 112 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz -
Advertising 110 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Serviced Houses Australia – -
Advertising 107 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Your Home Away From Home – -
Advertising 107 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
A Perfect Stay – -
Advertising 104 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Contemporary Hotels & Beach Houses – -
Advertising 103 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Awaba Properties – -
Advertising 98 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
LJ Hooker Batemans Bay –
Advertising 97 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Accom Holiday Rentals –
Advertising 97 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Hawks Nest First National -
Advertising 96 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Tourism Great Lakes –
Advertising 96 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Byron Beach Realty - -
Advertising 96 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
LJ Hookers Batemans Bay -
Advertising 93 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Short-Term Apartment Rentals -
Advertising 90 homes as short-term holiday rentals
JKL Real Estate Forster -
Advertising 84 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
LJ Hooker Forster/Tuncurry -
Advertising 82 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Byron Bay Accommodation - -
Advertising 85 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Elders Real Estate Yamba – operating holiday rentals as
Advertising 80 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Yamba Iluaka Real Estate
Advertising 75 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Jindabyne First National Real Estate -
Advertising 75 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Raine&Horne Terrigal – operating as
Advertising 71 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
First National Yamba –
Advertising 69 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
North Coast Lifestyle Properties - -
Advertising 70 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Byron Bay Coastal Accommodation -
Advertising 70 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Tracey McArdle’s – -
Advertising 66 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
First National Forster/Tuncurry -
Advertising 64 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Corporate Boardies Property - -
Advertising 63 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Ray White Real Estate Killcare -
Advertising 63 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Maisonnets –
Advertising 56 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Blue Mountains Getaways -
Advertising 55 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Temple Retreats – -
Advertising 55 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Beach Holiday Homes – -
Advertising 54 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Ray White Real Estate Byron Bay -
Advertising 52 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
LJ Hooker Byron Bay -
Advertising 50 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Kingscliff Sales and Rentals - -
Advertising 50 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Prestige Property Agency - -
Advertising 48 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Bondi Beach Rentals - -
Advertising 46 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
HomeHost - -
Advertising 44 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Northern Beaches Holidays - -
Advertising 43 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb -
Advertising 42 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Margaret Price Real Estate -
Advertising 34 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Guest Management - -
Advertising 33 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Destination Byron Bay - -
Advertising 33 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Diane Hendy – Di 4 Interior Designs - -
Advertising 28 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Ray White Cabarita Beach -
Advertising 26 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Kingscliff Holiday Homes - -
Advertising 25 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Ian Ritchie Real Estate –
Advertising 27 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Destination NSW
LJ Hooker Lennox Head - -
Advertising 23 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Yamba Beachside Accommodation -
Advertising 23 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
First National Tweed Coast -
Advertising 20 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Foster Tuncurry Property Management -
Advertising 17 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz
Beach Houses -
Advertising 17 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Airbnb
Ray White Batemans Bay -
Advertising 17 homes as short-term holiday rentals and linking with Expedia/Stayz