"Byron Council recently resolved to undertake enforcement action on short term holiday let accommodation where there is reasonable suspicion of unauthorised activities occurring on the site. Further, any such holiday letting complaints/investigation will be assessed and investigated in accordance with Council’s Enforcement Policy."
Council can "employ enforcement action on properties acting outside their development consent, by using their properties in contradiction of development consent conditions that do not permit the use for tourism purposes."
The link whereby residents can notify Byron Shire Council of homes operating as hotels is here. Information on Byron’s housing situation is here.
Meanwhile correspondence from the Office of Local Government – Minister Gabrielle Upton’s Office – states that they can’t interfere with other NSW Councils’ decisions to steadfastly refuse to enforce legislation on residential zoning. Bed & Breakfast operators are seeing their livelihoods shredded, while paying State land taxes and corporate rates on every facet of their businesses. One North Coast B&B couple ask: “If we rented a shop and turned it into a restaurant and served alcohol we’d be shut down in an instant. But short-term rental landlords run a business from a residential dwelling without permits and it’s OK?”
While homeless rates soar, where are the Legislators who are paid to enforce our legislation?
We have invited the NSW Premier to join us in seeking voluntary Orders from the NSW Land and Environment Court (as per case number 14/40923). Still zero response from Ms Berejiklian and her Ministers.
Homes not Hotels Communities not Transit Zones People before Profits Neighbours not Strangers