In response to a social media account naming and shaming Real Estate Agents who appear to be breaching industry regulations, the Real Estate Board is encouraging the public to contact authorities.
Inspired by the Airbnb-fighting Twitter user @VISTRO11, @BrettdrC has been outing Real Estate Agents who are running Airbnb-hotels in breach of City Zoning regulations, pointing to the Real Estate Agents Rules of Conduct:
Knowledge of Act and Regulations, Fiduciary obligations, Honesty, fairness and professionalism etc. (NSW Fair Trading) And so successful have @Miteymiss, @Fairbnbcanada, @VISTRO11, @BrettdrC and others been that this week tough new legislation against Airbnb is being introduced. If you have read this far and clicked on the links provided, you now realise that this is Vancouver - not Sydney or other NSW towns.
NSW: Where our Real Estate Agents are leaving those in Canada far, far behind: Vincent “boasts 185-215 Airbnb listings”, Lisa has 190 homes advertised today, Keris has 151 Airbnb listings…etc.
The City of Sydney has tweeted back once to a notification sent by @SISTRO11; proof that tweets to Sydney and other Councils - InnerWest, Waverley, Woollahra, Randwick, Mosman, Port Macquarie Hastings, South BurnettRC, their Mayors and State MPs etc – are being received. Residents are fed up with short-term rentals and everyone questions the silence of our Council Staff and Legislators?
One Sydney Resident asked us today how Council can ignore the Section 88B on the Title Deeds he holds on his home plus how it is that Residential Development Approvals across the City specifically exclude short-term tourist/visitor rentals of any description…and here the City wants to gift entry to our property and control of communities to Airbnb, Expedia, Google et al? This Resident asks what compensation will be paid, should families be forced to live in an unregulated hotel/transit zones?
Vancouver, ‘tail up and running’; Sydney Legislators' tails are dragging, and dragging us through the…
Homes not Hotels Communities not Transit Zones People before Profits
Neighbours not Strangers