“Gold Coast vs. Byron Bay for holiday honours - new reality TV series “Instant Hotel” premiered on Channel 7 last night. Byron’s EchoNetDaily (page 2) today reports that their Council Staff have prepared a holiday letting case for prosecution, which they intend to take to the NSW Land and Environment Court. Legal Services Ralph James’ announcement with details of fines can be heard at this audio link (fast forward to 1hour 57 minutes). Thank you Byron! The first NSW Council we’re aware of which is taking decisive action against the illegal use of residential property. Councillors also mention Vancouver’s Twitter campaign - @VISTRO11 – whereby residents are advising Council of Airbnb-type rentals.
Community and Resident Action Groups in NSW are profoundly concerned about our housing supply, the quality of our home lives, our neighbours, communities, plus more. We are now being criticised by some in the Media: “stop with the blanket and fundamentally untrue statements and dial down the rhetoric…” and, “you’re giving us too much information”. One of our coalition partners asks if Media-types are worried they’ll lose advertising partners – those in the real estate game who divert properties to Airbnb and Co - and indeed, if this is the reason our position on breaches of Planning Legislation goes unreported.
So while @SISTRO11 (Sydney Illegal Short-Term Rental Operators) and Residents in NSW campaign with our laptops and zero financial backing, let us ask this:
How much money have short-term letting platforms #Airbnb and #Expedia(#Stayz) thrown at political lobbyists, blanket marketing drives and #TheBlock and #instanthotel?
Homes not Hotels Communities not Transit Zones People before Profits Neighbours not Strangers