NEIGHBOURS NOT STRANGERS - Response to Parliamentary 'Options Paper'

Neighbours Not Strangers has submitted our Response to the New South Wales Parliament’s ‘Options Paper’ on the commercial use of residential housing – our document can be accessed here.
We take this opportunity to thank the many NSW Residents who are signatories to our Community Action Group, our coalition partners here and overseas, plus those who have worked closely with us on our Response to Ministers Roberts and Kean.
With nil financial resources and pitted against multi-billion dollar foreign-owned outfits, we endeavour to convey to our Legislators and Policy Makers the profound fundamental incompatibility of mixing Airbnb-type rentals with permanent residents.
We must hope that when this issue comes before the NSW Parliament our rights, our legislation, and case law will be respected.
We ask to be included in any ongoing consultation on this issue; for us, this situation is critical.
Homes not Hotels Communities not Transit Zones People before Profits Neighbours not Strangers