Media Release: Protecting Communities and Housing – Canadians Show How It’s Done

Cities across Canada are working with Resident Groups, Journalists, Tourism Bodies and Accommodation Providers to formulate legislation that will return homes to residents and protect housing stock under increasing, extreme pressure, with Building/Fire/Rescue Codes being ‘top priority’.
The City of Vancouver has concluded 12-months’ of research and in the last week has released a slide-show presentation and full report on short-term letting platforms.Vancouver’s work is being matched in other cities -Toronto and Montreal to name but a few - with action also on the cards in major tourist destinations such as Whistler and Victoria. With vacancy rates for tenants nearing zero, more and more businesses are finding it near impossible to attract and keep skilled workers, let alone essential staff on moderate to low incomes.
On hearing of the involvement and profiteering from short-term rentals by many NSW Legislators, the term that is oft repeated is “corruption”. And the questions most frequently asked: “We are hoping to model our legislation on that of NSW’s; why won’t NSW Legislators enforce the legislation currently in place?” And: “Why should foreign booking platforms demand access to and control over access to homes? Let them build their own hotels.”
Both Airbnb and Stayz are rolling out self-commissioned economic reports; the claim repeated is that they somehow contribute to economic income and job creation. Can San Francisco’s independent financial controllers have it so wrong? Their data on the impacts of short-term letting concluded:
“Removing a single property from the market would have a total economic impact on the city’s economy of approximately –USD250,000 to –US$300,000 per year. This exceeds the annual total economic benefit from visitor spending and landlord income (and hotel taxes), given prevailing 2015 short-term rental rates.”
“Australia is Airbnb’s most penetrated market”, Airbnb’s Sam McDonagh Homes not Hotels
Communities not Transit Zones People before Profits Neighbours not Strangers