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Hellll-O NSW MPs…Are You There?

Every picture tells a story and many of the tails/tales involve NSW State MPs.

We’ve asked every NSW State MP if he/she would confirm whether or not they met with Airbnb for briefings some two weeks ago. One Member of Parliament confirmed that a meeting had been scheduled…one only. We’d welcome confirmation from all other Members of the NSW Parliament? Expedia/Stayz are also active - much more discretely – so: YES/NO?

Below is a photograph for two Airbnb listings: On the left is a listing in a building controlled by former State MP John Williams. Williams and his Strata cohort recently resolved to take no action against Owners who chose to engage in the “Illegal Use of Premises”, despite Williams himself being snagged in NSW Court Orders for short-term lets. A Lawyer recently stated that he found it outrageous that Motions needed to be moved in an effort to enforce legislation in this property – all such Motions are routinely defeated by Williams & Co.

The Airbnb listing on the right would be in Hosking Place Sydney. We’ve also asked the resident MPs in that building – Deputy Premier John Barilaro, Adam Marshall, Melinda Pavy and Catherine Cusack - if they will assist by referring the short-term letting operation to the City of Sydney Council for action. Should the City of Sydney fail to act, they can request the assistance of Minister for Local Government Gabrielle Upton. To date, there has been no response…

Move to the right and the photograph of MP Geoff Provest. Deputy Chair of the Inquiry into short-term letting, Provest repeatedly stated during Hearings and in coffee breaks: “Short-Term Letting is here to stay.” In fact, there were broad smiles and slaps on the back aplenty from Provest and Chair Mark Coure MP for those in the Industry. Have no doubt, Provest is absolutely all for allowing a private company worth US$31 billion – Airbnb – to take control of our housing, our home lives and communities.

It looks like the Sydney Opera House has welcomed the Hon Member for Tweed, Provest, and ‘hosted’ him on a special excursion to the very top of the sails; a privilege rarely extended. Was this invitation issued at the request of Airbnb, a Corporate Partner of the Opera House Trust? A pity, if Geoff Provest MP has been ‘bought off’ by players in the short-term letting industry with one quick junket.

There could be no greater oxymoron than Airbnb’s ‘Friendly Buildings Program’ where they intend bribing Owners Corporations with commissions to gain access to properties. For those engaged in short-term letting, maximum profits is what motivates them to evict tenants and allow just anyone into homes. For those using a property as a home – be it an apartment or a residential dwelling in a suburb – the prime motivators are home and community. People and Home and Community…before Profits: we haven’t and won’t lose sight of these.

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