Airbnb's Latest Message to NSW
Airbnb TEAM IRELAND has sent another message to their New South Wales landlords in their campaign blitz ”to secure fair and progressive...

STRs: Trust Is What Makes Them 'Work'
The Spin Team at Airbnb needs us to ignore the fact that the absolute necessity, in order for their operations and profits in the...

NSW Government Response to Final Report of Parliamentary Inquiry - Our Reply
The NSW Community Group, Neighbours Not Strangers, is calling upon the Minister for Planning and Housing Anthony Roberts, and Minister...

The 'Coure Report' Has Lost its Mark
The NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into the adequacy of legislation covering the short-term letting of homes across our State has ‘lost’ its...

Airbnb: 'Aiding and Abetting' On a Massive Scale
Homes in Mark Coure MP's Electorate of Oatley. Short-Term Lets Pit Neighbour Against Neighbour As of September 2016 there were 128 Local...

We're Agoda/Expedia/Airbnb - We Want Your Homes
US$17.5 billion Singapore-based AGODA also wants IN on big profits from our homes. They’re offering a FREE service to NSW landlords –...

It's Your Veritable Lunchtime Quickie!
It's what's known in the Hotel Industry as the 'Hot Pillow' Trade Three days ago we jokingly wrote that if/when the NSW State Government...

Hoteliers, If You Can't Beat 'em, Join 'em.
The Collaborative Economy: - Collaboration – noun: traitorous cooperation with an enemy. Synonyms: collusion, consorting, conspiring…...

Butt Out of Byron Airbnb/Expedia(Stayz)
“Airbnb hosts in Australia earned a median income of $4,920 in 2015-2016” yet Airbnb is recommending that their landlords employ...

The Battle Over Profits From Housing
Airbnb Ireland is today sending again text messages and emails with love to their NSW Landlords requesting that they write to Premier...